This will be a very short post. Just wanted to let everyone know that T3 is happening in LCISD August 7th. Yep, Tomorrow. I, like a crazy person, will be presenting two sessions. I think I am a little nervous, but I am also excited about sharing what I have learned over the past year with technology in my classroom.
So here it is: 9:30 to 10:30 I will be presenting Twitter & The Math Class - Let's Get Techy. Then right after that session I will be presenting my iPads/iTouch for iMath.
The first session is about "some" of the neat techy stuff I have discovered from my PLN off of Twitter. Yes, I said Twitter. Everything in my presentation, I discovered from following great educators that have shared their wealth of knowledge. Of course I had to check out the link and learn about the tool or resource on my own.
The second session I tweaked a bit from my CAMT 2012 presentation and thought I would share what I have learned about using iPads and iTouches in the math classroom. My students love to get on these devices. If I could find a way to teach every lesson with one, I would. I just might, but I would need more than 3 in my classroom! But I am one of the lucky ones, in that I do have more than 1 in my class.
I have attached a link here to google docs and my project folder. I have put both presentations in the project folder and I have also made an Edmodo group -Techy Math (sijoe4) and both presentations are there if you would prefer to get the presentations that way. You will also find a lot of other gyms in that folder, so check it out. Hope to see you at T3 2012!