Jog the web is an interactive free resource where students take charge of their learning. How does this "Jog" work, you say? It is relatively easy, depending on what you want in your jog. You simply go to, set up your free account and start the jog. You fill in your title, the URL, and a description of what you want the students to do, and your done.
An example of a great math jog would be one where you found a site that gives notes or step by step examples, or shows a video and then the students complete questions you have given them, a mind map, or simply asked to write three questions that a classmate could answer based on what they read or saw. Then you could add an interactive game site next for practice or a worksheet. Finish up with a quiz, or have students create a game based on what they learned at another free site, Sploder (
Check out this math jog at . Another great science jog I discovered from my colleague, Misty Ortega, had the free gaming site. Check it out to see how a science teacher might set up a jog: .
Don't have time to set one up, search the site and see if someone else has a great jog for you. Happy Jogging!